Our Courses
Our Teachers
We have a team of nearly 100 teachers. All of our teachers are graduates of prestigious universities, both domestically and internationally, holding either bachelor’s or master’s degrees in linguistics, education, or related fields. With extensive teaching experience and a solid theoretical foundation in language, they offer students precise and professional guidance in language learning.
36 Teachers holding master's degrees
28 Teachers graduated from foreign universities
44 Teachers holding bachelor's degrees
9 Teachers graduated from foreign universities
52 Teachers in International Examinations Department
5 Teachers in international Curriculum Project Department
24 Teachers in Cast Musical Art Center

5A Teaching System

Tailor course plans to each student’s target score.

Conduct progress assessments at three stages to monitor learning outcomes.

Provide full-length mock exams to build confidence and consistency for the real test.

Design customized training plans to ensure systematic and goal-oriented study.

Expose students to international study and living environments, equipping them with essential

skills for adapting to life abroad and integrating into new cultures.

Offer specialized instructors in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Provide speaking aids and test reviews to resolve learning challenges and reinforce course material.

Ensure consistent follow-up and guidance for effective learning engagement.

Carefully manage study time and breaks, providing attentive care throughout students’ learning journeys.

Track student progress continuously, offering feedback and addressing learning difficulties promptly.

Monitor stress levels closely and provide timely support to alleviate learning-related pressures.

Adjust course content according to each student’s progress throughout their training.

Incorporate flexibility into the teaching system to strengthen weaker areas, ensuring a focused approach.

Our Qualifications
Campus address
London Campus, UK
Downtown Main Campus
Zhangjiagang Campus
Hudong Xintiandi Campus
Huxi Nison Campus
Longfor Campus New District
Wanda Campus, Changshu
Intensive Training Camp Site